Quick question to those of you who know your way around the STAR website: would it be possible for the RSS feed on the Podcasts page (http://www.standrewsradio.com/audio/feed) to list all of the items in that section, rather than just the ten most recent ones? If this could be changed, it would allo...
2pm, Union Main Bar, Thursday 1st October Elected by students every three years, the Rector ensures that your voice is heard at the highest levels of the University. The current Rector is Kevin Dunion, a veteran environmental campaigner and, since 2003, the Scottish Information Commissioner respons...
Message from the Rector, Kevin Dunion: Dear Students, To those of you who have just arrived, welcome to St Andrews and congratulations on making such an excellent choice! And to all of you returning for the new academic year, it’s great to see you again. As you will already know, St Andrews has man...
The motion passed by the SRC can be found here: http://yourunion.net/files/KKmotionApproved.pdf 18 members voted in favour. Stacy Lee and Luke Woollen voted against the motion. Philippa Dunn abstained. Again, the distinction between the vote at SRC and the division at the debate is important. The pe...
Everything they said http://www.sodacraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/standing-ovation-0907-lg.jpg http://www.dps.mo.gov/DPSPictures/Deployment/images/Families%20give%20Blunt%20Soldiers%20Standing%20Ovation_jpg.jpg http://www.thevictorycompany.com/StandingOvation.jpg
"Our traditions are our conversation with our predecessors and our successors. When we permit our traditions to become a legitimisation for the exclusion of others we do those traditions a disservice. We cherish our traditions but we must never allow them to become a rationalisation for the pr...
exnihilo wrote:Invited? Ah, fair enough. Used to be a full member, but without a vote, unless elected across campus (as also used to sometimes happen between Cleese and Findlay's terms as Rector).
The Rector, Kevin Dunion, will shortly be selecting a new Assessor to succeed Georgina Rannard, who has been elected as Director of Representation for 2009/10. The Rector Kevin Dunion is an active working Rector based in St Andrews. As well as his formal role in chairing Court, the supreme governing...
Does anyone know when we are likely to get the rest of the results? 'Some other time' is just not good enough for those of us who put so much effort and time into campaigning. We're starting the count again at 10am tomorrow morning. With the largest number of candidates and voters we've ever had, i...
Friday is the big day, the day of the Students' Association Elections. Get yourself down to one of the poling stations during the day to cast your vote. The Sports Centre: 1pm - 5pm The Library: 10am - 5pm Physics: 10am - 1pm The Union: 10am - 6pm ---- Also tonight, some call it the showdown, others...
It's what we do If you're passionate about something - anything - the Students' Association is here to help you make it happen. It's what we do. We host the biggest parties in town. We run Scotland's biggest student arts festival. We're doing something about the things that need to change, whether ...
Message to all students from the Students’ Association In light of the recent student occupation of Lower College Hall by the St Andrews Solidarity with Palestine Campaign, the Students’ Association’s response is as follows. The Students’ Association supports every student’s right to peaceful prote...