

Who is Marco Biagi?

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Who is Marco Biagi?

Postby hello on Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:53 pm

Who is this illusive chap?

He seems so contoversial, creeping up in so many conversations, non-positively may I add?

His claim is to be Charities Organiser, is that it? And a failure in many other aspects of university life.

I worry that he is a just wanna-be?

Would it be correct to deduce this from what I have heard?

Just go away, graduate, and leave us!!


Postby Ewan Husami on Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:54 am

It's posts like this that give idiots a bad name.

If you're going to criticise, at least have the decency to discover some facts about your subject.

And put a name to your comments fod goodness sake.
Ewan Husami
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Postby S.P.I.G on Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:47 pm

I'm sure Marco will go away once he's graduated - but that'll be in a year and a half (since you seem to think he's already graduated)


Postby Guest on Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:17 pm



Postby Unamused Bystander. on Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:45 pm

Wow, how mature of you, bringing up old news such as that.

And how mature of the thread starter, who seems to have started this simply to slag off Marco Biagi. It is needless, it is pretty pathetic, andf I really don't understand why so many people feel the need to start abusive threads about him on here so often.

And no, I'm not Marco. Just a rather unamused bystander.
Unamused Bystander.


Postby mossop on Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:36 pm

It's really pathetic to come on here and slag someone off when you clearly don't know who the person is.

Marco does a LOT for the students of this university and I personally think he gets given a lot of grief for no reason.

Grow up.


Drunken photos, and not so drunken photos
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Postby Paranoid on Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:28 pm

Being completely innocent here, can someone fill me in as to who he is? Only time I met the guy was when he initially ran for union president last year and suddenly disappeared off the scene?! But have to relate to thread starter in that I've heard him mentioned all over the place (and not always negatively) but still none the wiser as to who he is or what hes done
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Postby Campbell on Mon Feb 23, 2004 6:14 pm

there was a guy went to my school a few years above me, called marco biagi

i wander...
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Postby flossy on Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:24 pm

marco is my academic mummy, and although his views are a bit left wing for me, i love him to bits.

floppy flop flop
[still not a happy bunny]
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Postby Sir Oswald M. on Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:43 am

I'll tell you who Marco is. He is the quiet chap that sat at home and played warhammer, he loves maple syrup pancakes, he liked the first version of command and conquer, he loved his cat, he has done the wise thing and moved to St Andrews away from the west coast.
He was/is very nationalistic with a devout loyalty to the SNP.
He is a campaigner for student welfare and rights.
You dont really deserve him at your ignorant class ridden/divided uni.
Sir Oswald M.


Postby AnotherSTUDent on Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:43 am

I've only met him a few times but he seems a nice enough guy. Leave him alone.


Postby mossop on Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:22 pm

[s]Unregisted User Sir Oswald M. wrote on 23:39, 20th Feb 2004:
I'll tell you who Marco is. He is the quiet chap that sat at home and played warhammer, he loves maple syrup pancakes, he liked the first version of command and conquer, he loved his cat, he has done the wise thing and moved to St Andrews away from the west coast.
He was/is very nationalistic with a devout loyalty to the SNP.
He is a campaigner for student welfare and rights.
You dont really deserve him at your ignorant class ridden/divided uni.

24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a crate. Coincidence? I think not.
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Postby Marco Biagi on Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:44 am

[s]Unregisted User Sir Oswald M. wrote on 23:39, 20th Feb 2004:
I'll tell you who Marco is. He is the quiet chap that sat at home and played warhammer, he loves maple syrup pancakes, he liked the first version of command and conquer, he loved his cat, he has done the wise thing and moved to St Andrews away from the west coast.
He was/is very nationalistic with a devout loyalty to the SNP.
He is a campaigner for student welfare and rights.
You dont really deserve him at your ignorant class ridden/divided uni.

40k. Yes. Best in SVGA, crap since. Still got pictures, miss them both. Wrong. Pro-independence (more than SNP). Yup. Who can say?

Marco Biagi,
Hermitage Academy, class of 2000;
Retired Students' Association official.
Marco Biagi
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Postby Campbell on Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:25 pm

madness , i went to hermitage academy, you remember allan campbell?

far out
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Postby chinstroker on Thu Feb 26, 2004 1:59 pm

Marco Biagi,
Hermitage Academy, class of 2000;
Retired Students' Association official.



Postby Marco Biagi on Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:23 pm

[s]Campbell wrote on 12:25, 25th Feb 2004:
madness , i went to hermitage academy, you remember allan campbell?

far out

Yeah, he was my predecessor on the community council. Are you he? If so, shouldn't you be at Edinburgh? Or are you a relative? Or just a stalker...?
Marco Biagi
Posts: 1218
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Postby grousefanatic on Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:34 pm

Well, Marco Biagi ... it seems some people don't know who he is. I can understand that, especially if the people concerned are first years (like myself, but I have my own supplies of information *teehee*!)

Well for those all those people who think he has disappeared off the scene, you're wrong. Oh so wrong. You should all remember that small debacle about some rent rises (oh how long ago it seems now). Well, he was one of those dedicated individuals who gave up all his time to notify people of the situation, religiously posting on here and elsewhere to keep everyone informed of what the protest was about. A regular feature of his life at this time was late night poster runs to EVERY hall in town, with a band of others, as well as organising the final protest itself, not only galvanising the students into action but working damn hard to provide the materials needed as well. I know coz I was there!

He got so little sleep over the final run-up that he slept straight for 17 hours the day after (not his record, I have been reliably informed!). Yes, this elusive figure was responsible for helping fight against the rent rises. it may not have been successful but at least he seems to care about thinga enough, like the fact that you detractors may not be able to live here soon.

He may not always be in the public eye anymore but he still works damn hard.
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Postby Campbell on Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:51 am

[s]Marco Biagi wrote on 21:23, 26th Feb 2004:

Yeah, he was my predecessor on the community council. Are you he? If so, shouldn't you be at Edinburgh? Or are you a relative? Or just a stalker...?

nah he's my brother, jammy bastard's in australia now
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Postby Bonnie on Thu Mar 04, 2004 6:26 pm

Marco Biagi= an incredibly intelligent, caring and warm-hearted, and DDR machine loving young man who gives really good hugs.
We may not always agree on politics, but I have to respect him for what he does.

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Postby Marco Biagi on Sat Mar 06, 2004 9:26 pm

[s]Bonnie wrote on 18:26, 4th Mar 2004:
Marco Biagi= an incredibly intelligent, caring and warm-hearted, and DDR machine loving young man who gives really good hugs.
We may not always agree on politics, but I have to respect him for what he does.

[hr]I love cheese.

And Bonnie is in no way about to run for a major election. However fair is fair, and she has been an incredibly committed and able officer, has her heart very much in the right place (underneath that extremely comfortable bosom) and has changed my views on the American political spectrum so that now I just don't even try to rationalise them any more.
Marco Biagi
Posts: 1218
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am


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