by grousefanatic on Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:34 pm
Well, Marco Biagi ... it seems some people don't know who he is. I can understand that, especially if the people concerned are first years (like myself, but I have my own supplies of information *teehee*!)
Well for those all those people who think he has disappeared off the scene, you're wrong. Oh so wrong. You should all remember that small debacle about some rent rises (oh how long ago it seems now). Well, he was one of those dedicated individuals who gave up all his time to notify people of the situation, religiously posting on here and elsewhere to keep everyone informed of what the protest was about. A regular feature of his life at this time was late night poster runs to EVERY hall in town, with a band of others, as well as organising the final protest itself, not only galvanising the students into action but working damn hard to provide the materials needed as well. I know coz I was there!
He got so little sleep over the final run-up that he slept straight for 17 hours the day after (not his record, I have been reliably informed!). Yes, this elusive figure was responsible for helping fight against the rent rises. it may not have been successful but at least he seems to care about thinga enough, like the fact that you detractors may not be able to live here soon.
He may not always be in the public eye anymore but he still works damn hard.
veni vidi nates calce concidi - i came, i saw, i kicked ass