davearnie wrote on 20:28, 6th Apr 2005:
Must disagree it is very unhealthy to be a vegan or vegertarian, the only reason people get away with it nowadays is because there is soo much mass produced alternatives which are made in a laboratory.
Many Hindus are strict vegetarians, and have been living that way for hundereds of years, its nothing to do with "nowadays". I do not eat meat, and I also do not eat any of the "alternatives". The best vegetarian food is food that is vegetarian in spite of meat, not because of it. (I mean that it happens not to have any meat in it, not that it is attempting to be meat free but pose as meat.)
I mean vegan burgers and vegan cheese lmao.
Yes I LMAO at these also.
Sorry dont mean to be rude, but i have read a lot about neutrition and things along they lines, the body needs a certain amount of things like protein for instance and iron and such.
Now you can say that one can get protein from sources like beans and pea nuts, and iron from certain vegetables.
However it is not the same, protein is made up of a number of amino acids, to get a complete protein you have to combine different food substances. As for iron, there is very little in vegetables - not enough really unless you eat lots and lots.
You've obviously read some elementary nutrition but not any molecular biology. Proteins are polypeptides, that is they are complex molecules made up of many smaller peptide subunits. It is the se peptides that are composed of Amino Acids. Muscle (meat) is, in all cases, formed of Actin and Myosin, two Proteins. When you eat meat, your body digests the animal Protein into its constituent peptides and amino acids, from which it can then fashion its' own peptides and amino acids. True, there are some amino acids and some fatty acids that can only be sourced from animal sources, but these are not essential. This can be demonstrated by the fact that a vegetarian from birth will not neccesarily grow up any more stunted that an omnivore.
We are designed to eat a combination of meat and vegetables, we were not designed as omnivores.
As explained above, we were designed as herbivores / vegetarians, but have evolved a capacity to eat and digest meat.
It is unhealthy, you end up with band muscle mass- as your body needs protein to build muscle and in fact if it doesnt get enough, will eat up muscle mass for energy.
According to reputable sources such as the American Dietetic Association, American Heart Association, British Medical Association, and the Mayo Clinic, vegetarian diets offer a number of health benefits compared to non-vegetarian diets. Vegetarians as a group compared to non-vegetarians have lower body mass indices, lower levels of cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and less incidence of heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer, renal disease, dementia, and osteoporosis
As for weight loss, in a year-long study comparing Dean Ornish's vegetarian diet to Weight Watchers, The Zone Diet, and The Atkins Diet, Dean Ornish's diet showed the most weight-loss.
"Vegetarians have lower rates of obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, cancers and gallstones." - British_Medical_Association
"Vegetarians often live longer and suffer less from several chronic diseases." - ADA
"Diabetes is much less likely to be a cause of death in vegetarians" - ADA
"95 per cent of all food poisoning comes from meat and animal products" - British Medical Association
Anyway there you go, i think it is totally daft to be a vegetarian, it is perfectly natural to eat meat - and if you dont like the way it is processed or killed , then you can get meat that is killed in a humane way , so that is a bad example.
Thats my tupince worth.
Yes well thanks for your tuppence worth, its' just a shame most of your facts were incorrect and your arguments flawed. And there are many reasons for people wanting to be vegetarian / vegan / or not just eat meat. You obviously can't understand this.
And why did you feel it neccessary to give your "tup
pence" worth? It is a vegetarian board off the main board, what are you contributing to it apart from falsehoods? If you have a problem with vegetarians or vegetarianism, then keep it to yourself. Do you see anyone on this board raving about how unhealthy a meat-based diet is or about how they can't understand why people whould eat meat? No you dont, so go away and be quiet, or come bag with a better argument and some solid facts.
[s]It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas and half a pack of cigarettes. It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it.[/s]