Need someone to help you organize?

Moved in and found yourself drowning in stuff? Trying to pack for home but can't find your way through your things?
I can help you organize and sort through your things so you can sell, donate, or throw away unused items and easily access the rest.
Previous experience: organized room being used as closet with over 200 items of clothing to a manageable 100 items with hooks and containers for accessories. Also have reorganized a salon to hold double the amount of hair products with the same furniture as before.
Costs £5 an hour
I can help you organize and sort through your things so you can sell, donate, or throw away unused items and easily access the rest.
Previous experience: organized room being used as closet with over 200 items of clothing to a manageable 100 items with hooks and containers for accessories. Also have reorganized a salon to hold double the amount of hair products with the same furniture as before.
Costs £5 an hour