by Oli on Mon Mar 17, 2003 1:52 pm
Going back to what Carolyn said to start off with, I completely agree that the KK should not use this conversation as a reason to exclude women, but should maintain it as part of their interesting and varied history.
I think that if they were to include women, then they would no longer stand out from any other club. It is their exclusivity that affords them the arrogance to represent the university to the outside world.
St Andrews is a university blanketed in tradition. The press love it, and so do visitors to the town. By playing on this interest, the Kate Kennedy Club raises its profile, and by doing so can therefore increase its role in university life, more noticeably in the traditions such as Raisin Weekend, the Rectorial Drag and of course the KK Parade.
And in response to Pete, this didn't start as a "we hate the KK" thread. It was a straightforward, intelligent question that, to my knowledge, hadn't been raised before. Sadly however, there are too many people who don't look into the questions deep enough, and simply jump onto the KK slagging bandwagon.
I personally don't think that the KK should allow women to join. I don't see how the decision would benefit the club, the university or the town.
While I am not necessarily in favour of the KK Club itself or its admission policy, I fully support their actions in providing services for the students of the university year after year.