by pete on Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:34 pm
[s]Prophet Tenebrae wrote on 12:31, 20th Mar 2003:
At least "d-day" derek isn't making any promises he can't keep. Unlike all the other candiditates who are basing their entire campaign around them.
There are a number of reasons why Derek has no policies.
1. He can't think of any because he has no imagination, drive or spirit.
2. He wants continuity - which means he will carry on letting the university raise top-up fees like Rory did and, oh, I believe Derek was also at the Senate meeting where the top-up fees where discussed and did he do anything to stop them? no
3. He doesn't want to be accountable. By not having policies you have nothing to be rated against. If derek gets in (god forbid) then he can sit on his arse all year (which he will do because he wants to be like Rory) and still say he's had a succesful year because he had no policies.
For god's sake everyone wake up will you.
And, the reason Biagi is supporting Derek is so that if Derek gets in Biagi can stand for President next year and say how crap the current President has been. If a candidate with ability (and they all have more than Derek) then it will make it harder for Biagi to illustrate how much better he is compared to the President.