Hello, I'm a foreigner, so I don't know about the particulars of resnet, but I can comment on sharing your own files (say, for example 20GB of mp3's) over a computer network (say, the internet) without fear of being done over for copyright violations and stuff (say, gang-probing by the RIAA).
Personally, I run an apache webserver, and I've got my files in a directory which is only accessible via https, with a username and password. Even if someone who believes you're infringing their copyright (or computing services/whatever) gets hold of a username and password, then they can only see what's available on the box. They can't see individual requests for files without breaking a session key.
However, the files have to be downloaded, rather than accessed dynamically as with SMB, and its a bit more difficult to copy batches of files and stuff, so its lacking a bit of user-friendliness.
If you use a decent browser, you get 256-bit AES security, *and* you can use a URI of the form
https://user:password@host *and* it'll even obey the content-type field.
/me kicks IE.
Piece of junk.