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Ruroni Kenshin(Samurai X)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:52 pm
by asarnil_dragon_lord
I saw this anime import of Ruroni Kenshin or what ever but it had Himura Kenshin and all the rest but Kenshin and Kaoru had this strange rash on their left arm and it was like a review of the episodes. When did this take place in the series? I know this was not a movie cause it was set up in episode format. Does it take place after the series, after the Shishio fight. Well definitly that last one cause Kaoru found out about the scar and was kidnapped but I dont know what this is.

It was good though.


PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 8:28 pm
by samus
This sounds suspisciously like the second OAV of Rurouni Kenshin. It takes place after the TV series has finished.

The first OAV, which was utterly brilliant, takes place before the TV series, when Kenshin was still Batoussai. In this OAV, Kenshin acquires the scar.

[s]"If people who do not understand each other understand that they do not understand each other, then they understand each other better than, not understanding each other, they do not understand that they do understand each other."
- Gustav Ichheiser[/s]