

Alex Koester for AU President Get Involved

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Alex Koester for AU President Get Involved

Postby Alex Koester on Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:27 am

HI Guys, my name is Alex Koester and I'm running to become your AU President. Here is my website: www.alexkoester.com and here are my 250 words. Thanks for reading.

Yes, I am the orange man running around like ‘Where’s Wally/Waldo’.

It is great to meet so many of you and hear your opinions as well as publicising sport and encouraging people to Get Involved.

I am as passionate about sport as I have been about this campaign and I hope you can be too.

PROMOTION – this is something I want to continue both to encourage people to Get Involved and to create the kind of University spirit you see across the pond. I will deliver you with a Saints Sport website we can be proud of and provide you with the opportunities you want by encouraging and developing a diverse club system within the AU.

PARTICIPATION – I want to make it easier for you to Get Involved even if you don’t want to join a club. I hate the gym fees and will see the end of them in my term. We need facilities that we can be proud of and I will make that a reality for everyone while also freeing up Wednesday afternoons for us to enjoy them.

PERFORMANCE – Lets excel at sport like we do at academics! I will make this possible by reducing your costs so you can compete and enjoy yourselves. I will give you the coaches and coaching opportunities we are lacking.

Thank you for Getting Involved, I hope you have enjoyed my campaign as much as I have. Make me your AU President and this will continue.

Think Orange, Vote Alex Koester
Alex Koester
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:18 am

Re: Alex Koester for AU President Get Involved

Postby Lattesometime? on Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:31 am


"get involved" is disgustingly generic st andrews lexicon i'm afraid.

do you also enjoy "cheeky" pints? and "schweffing"? or are you a "quaffer"? "epic banter"?

Latte some time?
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:28 am

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