by Amorphous on Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:42 pm
(Author's Note: I've gone a bit surreal for this one. Check the 'unofficial commentary' thread for a summary if you're still confused by the end of it.)
The air was filled with tension and dust motes as slowly people filtered into the courtroom and found their seats, both eager and anxious to hear the verdict. As the room began to fill, the judge shuffled his papers and reviewed the key facts of the case in his head; a stabbing, a curious sequence of events, and then a drawn-out court case with a corpse that walked...
Putting on his grimmest expression, he stared over his glasses at the corpse of Gumball and tried to avoid looking at the four knife wounds in the stomach. The corpse stared back and did a much better job of it, no longer having any need to blink. Hurriedly the judge looked down and pretended to be interested in something else.
The defendant's lawyer claimed that his client had survived the attack through "the sheer power of ROCK", together with some sort of index-and-pinkie fist gesture that the judge hadn't understood at the time, and that he was in fact alive therefore to bury the man would be emotionally damaging to all involved.
On the other side of the debate the prosecution were simply arguing that Gumball was dead, quite clearly dead, look at him for goodness sake, he's GREEN, he hasn't even got a pulse, and his vocabulary appeared to have been reduced to a single word.
The judge shuffled his papers again and cleared his throat. "Mr. Gumball," he addressed the defendant sternly. "Have you anything you would like to say before the verdict is delivered?"
There was a loaded pause as all eyes turned to Gumball. Press reporters sat poised, pen to paper, eager to write down every word and every nuance of what was about to follow.
Gumball, or what remained of Gumball, looked around the courtroom vaguely. "Brains?" he eventually volunteered.
"He says that following the Not-Dead verdict which he so thoroughly deserves, he fully intends to book himself into the nearest available hospital to correct his numerous health problems and severe speech impediment as inflicted on him by his attacker!" his lawyer shouted immediately. His voice wavered slightly and he had the middle-distance glazed look of a man who had no clue what the hell he was doing and was hoping no-one else had noticed.
The judge sighed inwardly and turned to the prosecution. "Have you anything you wish to add?" he asked.
The prosecuting lawyer stood up on behalf of the group he was representing, 'People Against Walking Corpses (That's Just Friggin' Weird)'. "Only that my clients, PAWC(TJFW), hope that justice is done today and that once the Dead verdict is declared we may get down to the business of finding out who actually murdered the poor man in the first place."
The judge nodded soberly. The issue of who was actually responsible had been bothering him as well. Slowly he stood and cleared his throat, preparing to address the court as a whole. "It is after many hours of deliberation and consultation with numerous medical professionals that I find Mr. Gumball no longer in possession of life. To have reanimated a corpse in this fashion is a heinous piece of villainy and I have faith that our police forces will dedicate themselves to finding all individuals involved."
A ripple of murmuring spread through the court except for at the front, where slowly Gumball toppled forward on to the desk. His lawyer sat down next to him and started tidying away his documents into his briefcase. One of his better legal battles, really.
At the very back of the court, Nathan Garret slowly raised his head to peer out at the rest of the room from under his wide-brimmed hat. So, the zombie was officially dead now and they appeared to have no clue who the culprit was. Since the police interview was likely to consist entirely of 'brains', if not total silence, he was probably safe for the short-term. He picked up his newspaper and filtered out of the room silently, setting out for his next target.
If Jack Bauer was put in a room with Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Nina Myers and handed a gun with two bullets, he'd shoot Nina twice.