Running theory...
- Toclafane are the disembodied remains/whatever of the Time Lords
- Time Lords are, and as we knew, have been bastards. It's the Doctor that's the good one, but it's not at all beyond belief that the likes of the Rani, the Meddling Monk, the Master and that cheeky president from the
Five Doctors were far more common than Doctor-esque Time Lords
- The Time Lords finally decided to break their Temporal Time Directive (whatever) when it transpired that their very existence was under threat and that the reason the Doctor didn't have any problems unleashing a Delta Wave on them and the Daleks was that they were just as bad as each other (eg Time Lords and Daleks were both gits).
- And now the Time Lords are back as these toclafane chappies
- The Doctor now has to fight off the Time Lords *and* The Wrath of
- So the Time Lords
resurrected the Master, eh? Given the Doctor's old policy on 'the dead stay dead for good reasons' I can't help but think there'll be a spot of a twist about
- It seems the Doctor definately isn't Rassilon.
If he went to the TL Academy alongside the Master, we'd probably notice if he'd...y'know...helped invent Time Lord society...
- The Doctor could still be Rassilon in the future
- EDIT: Also, I'm still sure Utopia is Gallifrey...
Anyway, another few little interesting tidbits:
- Not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords, finally confirmed
- The Doctor and the Master chose their names, and they don't appear to be academic-inspired titles as often alluded, rather strictly an MD and a Master of...stuff...
- I was so hopeful that the Master using Lazarus' de-aging technology would be used to 'de-age' the Doctor into a past incarnation. But alas no...
- Stuff. I forget now. But I'm listening to the DW soundtrack so...
"There is only ever one truth. Things are always black or white, there's no such thing as a shade of grey. If you think that something is a shade of grey it simply means that you don't fully understand the situation. The truth is narrow and the path of the pursuit of truth is similarly narrow."