Quoting Bizarre Atheist from 18:45, 3rd Jan 2008
So my question is this; why is every one of the forty-eight thousand people on the SRC chosen in the main election?
SSC subcommittees are composed at their respective AGMs, why not allow the relevant SRC officer to organise an AGM at which the members are chosen?
Quoting Steveo from 19:24, 3rd Jan 2008
That's different, in that the SSC subcommittees (Societies excluded) come from an organised, specific interest body, such as debaters for debates etc.
Quoting Steveo from 19:24, 3rd Jan 2008
My personal preference is to shrink the SRC back closer to the size it used to be, with less pointless positions.
Quoting RobFett from 22:44, 3rd Jan 2008instead introducing a rep chosen from each school's Staff-Student Council (namely it's Convenor, which according to Senate should now be a student)
Quoting Lid from 19:28, 3rd Jan 2008
there's probably something under the pesky Education Act 1994 that says it has to be elected by Campus-wide polls. And while everyone is a member of the Association, not everyone is a member of the SRC - or something silly like that.
Quoting exnihilo from 23:23, 3rd Jan 2008
All voting positions need to be cross campus? What errant twaddle. A myth that's been put about for some years and which is simply that: a myth.
Sine suffragio is not a real term, it was made up (by me) as a joke.
The SRC should either be large, representative, and meet infrequently but have a smaller Executive Committee for day to day matters as it did once. Or it should be small and meet more frequently, be more managerial and devolve many decisions to sub-committees as it also did once. What it cannot be is a large, frequently meeting, managerial committee.
Quoting Lid from 23:37, 3rd Jan 2008
Well then it's impressive how these myths perpetuate - it was something I was told in my first SRC member training by the then head of HR / DoR, I forget which.
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