Freaker wrote:- A few of the time stamps seem to be off, eg the main page saying one of the recent posts from LP is from 1970; the "most recent post on this forum" in the message board overview for the New Students Board is not the most recent, etc.
Freaker wrote:- The good old line before the signature still seems to be written out as [hr] in some posts [student loan screw up thread]
Freaker wrote:- Could you change the colour of visited links? When you check someone's profile, the link turns a not-so-nice maroon afterwards... I'd prefer it didn't change at all !
niall wrote:I tried to reset the password on one of my other accounts, but I'm now alumni, so I have a address. I tried to resetting my password the other day (on the beta) and never received the reset password email (i had used hotmail on this account and i got the email fine). Would it be possible to have a "Alumni" button on the reset bit, so that if the person's email address ends in it will insert alumni into the email and they will receive the password reset?
niall wrote:Also, why is there no username box when reseting password, one uni email address can link to up to 5 sinner accounts!
Freaker wrote:PS: Also, could you make the logo at the very top a link to the home page again ? And on some pages, clicking 'Messageboards' will take you back to home as well.
PS2: Found one more thing: Two of the maps seem to be zoomed out to the maximum. Also, would it be possible to activate zooming in by double-click, as with google maps otherwise?
queen of scots wrote:One bug I've found is that clicking on polls gives me an error message.
Paul Carey wrote:While browsing throught the joomla part of the site, i ocassionally keep hitting this error :-
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'sinner'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/sinner/public_html/modules/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics.php on line 31
Not connected :
So far so good !
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