

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

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Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:17 am

Please let us know if you find any bugs anywhere on the site, or if there's something missing that you think should be added.

Thanks :)
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Freaker on Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:47 am

Looking very good, thank you!

A few things I've noticed so far:
- A few of the time stamps seem to be off, eg the main page saying one of the recent posts from LP is from 1970; the "most recent post on this forum" in the message board overview for the New Students Board is not the most recent, etc.
- The good old line before the signature still seems to be written out as [hr] in some posts [student loan screw up thread]
- Could you change the colour of visited links? When you check someone's profile, the link turns a not-so-nice maroon afterwards... I'd prefer it didn't change at all :) !

Thanks for all the hard work, it is much appreciated, and the site is looking great!

PS: Also, could you make the logo at the very top a link to the home page again :) ? And on some pages, clicking 'Messageboards' will take you back to home as well.
PS2: Found one more thing: Two of the maps seem to be zoomed out to the maximum. Also, would it be possible to activate zooming in by double-click, as with google maps otherwise?
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby niall on Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:06 am

I tried to reset the password on one of my other accounts, but I'm now alumni, so I have a @alumni.st-and.ac.uk address. I tried to resetting my password the other day (on the beta) and never received the reset password email (i had used hotmail on this account and i got the email fine). Would it be possible to have a "Alumni" button on the reset bit, so that if the person's email address ends in @st-and.ac.uk it will insert alumni into the email and they will receive the password reset?

I know that people should update their details, but if they can't remember their password and haven't then they are kinda stuck :)

Also, why is there no username box when reseting password, one uni email address can link to up to 5 sinner accounts!
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby orudge on Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:30 am

Freaker wrote:- A few of the time stamps seem to be off, eg the main page saying one of the recent posts from LP is from 1970; the "most recent post on this forum" in the message board overview for the New Students Board is not the most recent, etc.

That was the case even on the old Sinner, although I think the posts there appeared as 0000-00-00 instead of 1970. phpBB uses the unix timestamp method, whereby the universe begins in 1970.

Freaker wrote:- The good old line before the signature still seems to be written out as [hr] in some posts [student loan screw up thread]

The old Sinner stored the signature in the text of each post, whereas the new Sinner stores it separately and appends it to each post automatically. phpBB doesn't have an [hr] BBCode, and while we could have added one, my personal opinion was that it wasn't really worth doing. New posts will look fine.

Freaker wrote:- Could you change the colour of visited links? When you check someone's profile, the link turns a not-so-nice maroon afterwards... I'd prefer it didn't change at all :) !

Heh, I agree with you on this one. :P

niall wrote:I tried to reset the password on one of my other accounts, but I'm now alumni, so I have a @alumni.st-and.ac.uk address. I tried to resetting my password the other day (on the beta) and never received the reset password email (i had used hotmail on this account and i got the email fine). Would it be possible to have a "Alumni" button on the reset bit, so that if the person's email address ends in @st-and.ac.uk it will insert alumni into the email and they will receive the password reset?

I'm not sure quite how practical this is, but maybe it's possible. Otherwise, you should be able to e-mail or PM one of the admins and we can reset your password manually.

niall wrote:Also, why is there no username box when reseting password, one uni email address can link to up to 5 sinner accounts!

That's one little issue - phpBB isn't designed for multiple users having the same e-mail address. For the most part, it should work, but the Forgotten Password bit is designed around the notion of only having one account on your e-mail address. I'm not too sure just now how much work would be involved in grafting a "username" box into that.

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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:56 am

Freaker wrote:PS: Also, could you make the logo at the very top a link to the home page again :) ? And on some pages, clicking 'Messageboards' will take you back to home as well.
PS2: Found one more thing: Two of the maps seem to be zoomed out to the maximum. Also, would it be possible to activate zooming in by double-click, as with google maps otherwise?

Fixed, thanks. I'll get to making the logo a link and adjusting the visited link colours soon.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Paul Carey on Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:32 am

While browsing throught the joomla part of the site, i ocassionally keep hitting this error :-

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'sinner'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/sinner/public_html/modules/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics.php on line 31
Not connected :

So far so good ! :)
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Haunted on Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:39 am

I fear change.

Whats the deal with unregs now?
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:48 am

Working on that one now Paul.

Haunted - business as usual as far as unregs go, but they're not set up yet. Will be doing that very soon.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby queen of scots on Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:03 pm

So far, I like it.

One bug I've found is that clicking on polls gives me an error message.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:14 pm

queen of scots wrote:One bug I've found is that clicking on polls gives me an error message.

Can you say exactly where, and what the error message is?
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby queen of scots on Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:16 pm

Hmmm, it was doing it when I clicked on 'polls' on the menu bar, but now it seems ok. Can't remember exactly what it said - some mySQL error I think?
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Paul Carey on Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:42 pm

Paul Carey wrote:While browsing throught the joomla part of the site, i ocassionally keep hitting this error :-

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'sinner'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/sinner/public_html/modules/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics/mod_phpbb3_latest_topics.php on line 31
Not connected :

So far so good ! :)

I think I've found out why this error is appearing, it happens on all pages where you have the "Meanwhile on the messageboards" bit.

It appears to be pulling up the wrong date information. Even thought the correct date/time appears in phpbb.

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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:09 pm

Yes, exactly. I've disabled it for the time being whilst I have a look at it.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:47 pm

Unregistered users can now post on all boards, and their messages will be subject to moderation as normal. We may revise the list of boards to which they can post in future.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby schmod on Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:00 pm

The 404 Page contains a broken link...
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby no on Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:07 pm

Problem: there's no background picture to fuel debate over the existence/non-existence of an American flag on The Sinner!

Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby Paul Carey on Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:13 pm

On the Maps section all the pub links to articles in the guide which are pointing to the old test url of new.thesinner.net and when clicked fail.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby Fawksie on Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:46 pm

Hash9 has kindly fixed the "Meanwhile on the messageboards" module, thanks :)

I'll make a new 404 page later this evening. I might even use the crab.

And I'll fix the pub links now.
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby David Bean on Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:03 am

When you post something, the page that comes up has a link that says 'View your submitted message'. This is probably default text because I've seen it on other boards that use this system, but it's always struck me as an odd set of words to use: when you click on it you don't, as the text would suggest, just get to see your post on its own, but you get to see the last page of the thread including your response. This has often confused me when I've been absent-mindedly browsing; I always think to myself 'I know what's in my post, thanks, having just written it; I want to go back to the thread, please'. But the link does that anyway.

Would it therefore be possible to change this wording to something that more accurately describes what the user will experience?
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Re: It's here! The NEW Sinner - Bug Reports only in this thread

Postby Fawksie on Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:13 am

It should show you the very bottom of the thread, i.e. as close as it can get you to the post you submitted. But yes, I shall change it.
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