Dear Members of the St Andrews community
I understand that the Kate Kennedy procession is a wonderful day in St Andrews and I hope it may continue to flourish as an important traditional event in our local calendar of activities.
The University will not, however, be participating officially in the procession this year nor continuing its recognition of the Kate Kennedy Club.
As Principal, I do not believe that a university can endorse a student club – even a club like the KK which is renowned for its charitable activities - from which so many of our students are excluded at birth.
The official endorsement of any club or society which excludes people because of their gender or race would be completely at odds with the values of this University and our commitment to foster an open and inclusive international community of scholars and students in St Andrews.
I look forward to the day when membership of the Kate Kennedy Club is open to every student of St Andrews at which point the university will be delighted to treat the Kate Kennedy Club in the same way as all other clubs and societies.
Louise Richardson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
I don't know what I feel about this to be honest. Although I am a man and theoretically would have been eligible to join the KK if invited, given my social status pre-university this invite would never have happened. So I should really feel this is a good decision. I don't think I do though. I like St Andrews because of quirky little things like the KK and I'd hate to see us become just another PC Uni.
Anyone have any idea what she is on about when she mentions race here? Is it just a generalisation apart from the KK? (or does she believe they are the same as the KKK?).