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Postby Rrrr on Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:51 pm

If you were a comic book type villain who would you be?
Make it up - I'm thinking cheesy Batman types here.

I would be Polly Pirate. A fancy dress party went wrong and my Parrot got fused to my shoulder. So now I have 360 degree vision (The parrot can look backwards) and with the words "Up, Up and Arrrrr-way" the parrot can fly us out of range of the good guys. Plus the parrot can say mean things to the good guys. That's always nice. In fact maybe I'm still good, but the parrot is evil. Yes, that'll do.



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Postby Gubbins on Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:04 pm

I always fancied living in an ominous, towering castle, perched precariously on top of a mountain. I'd live inside among the suits of armour, wearing a sweeping black cloak and cackling manically to myself whilst playing the organ. My life's goal would be to try to take over the world... or at least kidnap any local attractive virgins.

I did get as far as learning Bach's Toccata and Fugue over Easter. Now all I need is the organ... and the castle. I think the constant thunderstorms might get to me eventually as well....


...then again, that is only my opinion.
...then again, that is only my opinion.
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Postby Tigger on Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:02 pm

I'd be Bear Man, but with a Tigger tail, wolverines claws, and possibly a Spidey suit. but not to climb, just for the fashion statement. but maybe not made of lycra. cos its a bit snug. and if i was a bear, id be fat. which is nice. and my arch enemy would be john west, or adam west, or adam and eve. or something. and id eat. and get to sleep all winter. so i wouldnt have to do exams. ut then in spring i get to eat lots and have sex all the time. awesome.
so in conclusion, Im changing my name by deed poll to Spidetigbear, the man who likes to eat.


My Wings Are Like A Shield of Steel...
(Claire Raynor)
My Wings Are Like A Shield of Steel...
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Postby Frank on Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:22 pm

A cyborg. An evil cyborg.

I've always had a loose fascination with prosthetic limbs and artificial replacements for body parts. I'd like to think that if I suffer a horrible accident, there'd be enough of me left to affix some super-strong arms and legs to, add in a few bionic eyes, some superb breathing technology and a few bits of gadgetry here and there.

Ideally, thanks to this, I'd be probably a bit fitter or more capable (but more evil) than I am now. That sort of thing would lend itself well to becoming a villain, and I doubt I'd go down the Inspector Gadget or Robocop route with it.

In fact, if I do become horribly maimed at any point and start having bits of me (teeth are excluded, I've had fillings...) replaced then I promise all you Sinners to become evil.

As an aside, an artificial leg'd be awesome. You could build a minifridge into the thigh, a laptop in there, some projector apparatus, some spare rope, tools and whatnot. And that'd just be in the legs alone. Bionic arms go a whole extra distance...why have only one lower arm joined on at your elbow when you could have seven and a few other tricks too?


"There is only ever one truth. Things are always black or white, there's no such thing as a shade of grey. If you think that something is a shade of grey it simply means that you don't fully understand the situation. The truth is narrow and the path of the pursuit of truth is similarly narrow."
Also, some years later:
"here we are arguing about a few uppity troublemakers with a bee in their bonnet and a conspiracy theory."
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Postby Bizarre Atheist on Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:47 pm

Mad scientists always scared me the most, so I shall be one of them. I once spent a lazy daydream concoting a plot to repopulate the entire world's lawns, gardens, parks, sports pitches etc to grow a strain of grass crossed with stinging nettles, thereby causing untold misery to grass-lovers everywhere. Brilliant, I think you'll agree.

I've yet to come up with a motive as to why I might do this, but I am, after all, a completely mad scientist.

Called Dr Rankarkarus.

I have other plans too, but you'll probably have to wait to read about them in the Daily Planet.


You wouldn't steal a handbag. You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a containership full of tanks. Piracy is a crime, do not accept it.
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Postby Power Metal Dom on Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:06 pm


I'd be The Fancy!


Like flames on fuel...upon metal I drool
Aren't you all entitled to your half-arsed musings...You've thought about eternity for 25 minutes and think you've come to some interesting conclusions...My kind have harvested the souls of a million peasants and I couldn't give a ha'penny jizz for your internet assembled philosophy
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