

Fife Park BBQ - Wednesday at 7.30pm

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Postby mossop on Fri May 30, 2003 9:33 am

It's so difficult being on the hall committee, you get moaned at for not doing anything and then when you do do something you get moaned at cos it's not what everyone wants! If it's not what you want (amanda) then why don't you let us know and give us some suggestions instead of just moaning about it on the sinner! GRRRR!

Sorry, but it really pisses me off!
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a crate. Coincidence? I think not.
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Postby James Baster on Fri May 30, 2003 9:40 am

[s]Mr Tickle wrote on 01:16, 30th May 2003:
personaly i belive hall committies need a total re-vamp, there are constant moanings about them even from people on them.

someone should sort them out.

Its all to easy just to say they need to be "sorted out". What would you suggest is wrong with them, and what needs to be changed?
James Baster


Postby Amanda on Fri May 30, 2003 10:22 am

mossop - are you on the gatty committee? i've sent numerous emails about it, but didn't get replies until after the event. so i did actually make my point and opinion known. not meaning to be rude - just stating that before commenting on here, and before moaning about it, i did put forward the point that it wasn't the best plan.

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Postby mossop on Fri May 30, 2003 2:45 pm

[s]Amanda wrote on 11:22, 30th May 2003:
mossop - are you on the gatty committee? i've sent numerous emails about it, but didn't get replies until after the event. so i did actually make my point and opinion known. not meaning to be rude - just stating that before commenting on here, and before moaning about it, i did put forward the point that it wasn't the best plan.

Yes, I've been on the Gatty committee for the last 2 years, and I never received any of your emails. If I had, I would have replied. Not to worry though. Thing is though, the piss up might not have been the best plan, but it was the only one we had. I really can't see what the problem is. People were moaning that they didn't have a social event so we gave you one. You didn't even turn up so I don't think it's for you to judge whether it was shit or not. I'm not just saying this to you Amanda, but there were a few people who've moaned about it, but quite honestly, you can't please everyone. If you were that bothered about it, you had the oppurtunity to have a say in what happened, but the fact is most people in Gatty didn't give a shit, and if we didn't just decide, nothing would have happened, and we'd have had just short of 1000 pounds sitting in the bank doing nothing. And then you'd all moan that we did nothing with your hall subs.
Rant over.
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a crate. Coincidence? I think not.
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Postby mossop on Fri May 30, 2003 3:17 pm

[s]Amanda wrote on 11:22, 30th May 2003:
i've sent numerous emails about it, but didn't get replies until after the event.

Actually, sorry, I didn't read that bit properly. I passed the email account over to the next committee members before easter, so that would explain why I didn't get any emails.

Mossop - http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/tom ... ddlers.htm
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a crate. Coincidence? I think not.
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Postby Pussycat on Fri May 30, 2003 4:08 pm

The Uni Hall committee got on quite well this year. There were moans about the ball being in Dundee but that went great, although it has been agreed I think that the ball will never be in Dundee again (for convenience reasons).

There were complaints about the gossip page having too much gossip but hey, freedom of speech - what can you do? :P

And the age old saying the committee was unaproachable being greeted by the response "fuck off, we are so approachable".

But none the less, the hall is still standing and we had the usual great events: bbq's, garden parties, many ceildhis, blind date, the bad taste party, the hawaiian thing, slave auction, cabarets and much free alcohol for all.

Basically with a bit of give and take all is well. The committee (and others) remember it's all just hall politics ie no big deal in the grand scheme, and we suggest things, they listen etc.

As long as no one gets hostile/aggressive/defensive and starts swearing at people it all works out in the end.
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Postby Alex Muir on Fri May 30, 2003 6:30 pm

Well, I'd just like to say thankyou to all those that turned up. A good night was had by all that came along, and hopefully no-one had their academic career ruined by a whole two and a half hours of outrageous and immoral partying.

For those of you that had exams and weren't able to come, I am sorry. Unfortunately I suspect the majority are graduating so this was their last chance, but for the rest of you next year should be a lot better.

I know a few more people now and that's great, you can never know too many names!

The contact details for the whole committee are up on the new Fife Park Messageboard and I've bought the website www.fifepark.co.uk (out of my own money... again!) so if you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see there, email me.

We are trying to sort out something for freshers week so that next year's freshers aren't turned into 'impertinent pricks' (obviously by this i mean us, the committee, and none of the people who anonymously posted above).

If you didn't like the BBQ then tell us what you would like, even help us organise it...
or alternatively wait until we arrange it and then slag it down to the ground and complain that we are unelected, impertinent, unapproachable and all out bastards.

Have a good summer everyone,

Alex Muir


Postby becca on Fri May 30, 2003 6:38 pm

This is a notice for all the killjoys in Fife Park who have been slagging off the commitee.....
Why did'nt you go for a position on the commitee if you really wanted to have your voice heard instead of grumbling on like bitchy old grannies.
If people are really going to listen to you then you better start putting your name down cause from where I'm sitting you just look like a stupid cowardly geeks who enjoy getting up on their high horse and moaning about everything.
Or perhaps you are jealous that some people actually manage to find a good balance in their life and get good results and have fun! (Yes it is possible)
I think you need to get a life cause I actually feel sorry for you.

A big cheer to Alex and Rennie and anyone else who made salads and stuff. I know how hard you guys worked to put this thing together so thanks.
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Postby Amanda on Fri May 30, 2003 8:11 pm

mossop - no worries. it's not really a deal any more, just has been annoying myself and other gatty-ites for a while.. not your fault :)

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Postby old-hand. on Sat May 31, 2003 1:50 pm

A committe is there to listen to people regardless of their views - at no point to swear at these people and insult their intelligence.

Even if these people are complaining in a hostile manner they are the people you are supposed to be representing! listen to them with an open mind, do the best for everyone but do NOT think you have the right to insult them as this will lead to the committee being distrusted and un-listened to.

You've got a lot to learn.


Postby Al on Sat May 31, 2003 2:10 pm

I think you are missing the point, old-hand. A hall committee is not primarily a representative body. It is there to organise social events, and other amenities for students. The SRC reps are there to represent residents. Besides, the people on the committee were subject to unprovoked, and unwarranted, attack and responded to it.

I find it odd that some students should so object to limited noise for a few short hours and yet, when they complain of noise heard every night of term, townspeople are ignored or ridiculed.

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Postby Prophet Tenebrae on Sat May 31, 2003 4:19 pm

But we all hate townspeople, above any petty differences that we may erstwhile engage in :P
Prophet Tenebrae


Postby Admin on Sat May 31, 2003 4:49 pm

Be careful with those sweeping generalisations, Mr Tenebrae.
Remember that few people share your unique view on the world...
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Postby Foolish Pedant on Sat May 31, 2003 5:07 pm

And you should never use a preposition to end a sentence with.

Foolish Pedant
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