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Postby Guided By Vices on Mon Jul 28, 2003 8:24 pm

The Marathon tune as I recall goes:

M-A,M-A-R-A-T-H-O-N, Marathon!!!

followed by regular mentions of "Peanuts and Caramel" etc. Very good, and much better than Snickers.

The Opal Fruits brings reminiscence of the very tasteful "Bhopal fruits, made to make your eyes water" gag at the time of the Bhopal disaster. I often wonder if that association is why they changed the name.

But some good ones in the list for the poll. Any others that people remember with either affection or distaste?
Guided By Vices


Postby Greebo on Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:06 pm

I remember most of the red car and the blue car song

"The Red Car and the Blue Car had race
But all the red car did was stuff his face
He ate anything he sees (bit of dodgy grammar there but who cares)
From trucks to prickly trees
But Blue car took the milky way"

Right it still took my half a dozen attempts listening the the ad but the lyrics are:
""The Red Car and the Blue Car had race
But all the red wants to do is stuff his face
He eats everythingthing he sees
From trucks to prickly trees
But smart old blue Blue, he took the milky way

He's looking for a chocolate treat
Fluffy and light
Cos he knows it won't spoil is appetite (Mm Mm Mmmmmmm!)

Oh no! The Bridge has gone! Old red can't carry on!

But smart old blue, he took the milky way"

How can anyone fail to love that ad?

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Postby Greebo on Mon Jul 28, 2003 9:53 pm

Ok I was wrong with some of lyrics but OMG look what I've found (had completely forgotten 2nd verse)!

http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mark.mcmillan ... lky_way.rm

It has others.

[hr]http://greebopichost.netfirms.com - Loadsa drunken photos and suchlikes.
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Postby Guided By Vices on Mon Jul 28, 2003 10:09 pm

Some good ones there (haven't downloaded any yet though). It mentions the quintessentially 80s Insignia advert, which I think I'm right in saying went (to the tune of "All over now"):

Insignia's got everything,
Shampoo to shower gel,
Deodorant and aftershave
In one all over smell,
Now it's new Insignia -
And it's all over now.

I'm also reminded of the even more 80s Burton's ad:

Once upon a time there was a guy called Jim,
He was A-OK but his clothes were dim,
Then he went to Burtons and he said "that's nice",
Clothes looked great, and he liked the price!
You get bags more buzz at Burtons!!! etc.

I particularly enjoy the use of the word "A-Ok" there. Not a word you hear very often these days.

One from a very long time ago that I used to like a lot and which I was often reminded of when I lived in the Norfolk Broads was the Hoseasons one:

Sailboats, Canal Boats and Cruisers too,
All Britain's waterways waiting for you.
Isn't it fine, when the weather does shine,
In your Hoseasons boating brochure

Does anyone go on those sort of holidays now?
Guided By Vices


Postby nova on Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:34 am

Stop it with the old advert commercials. You are scaring me! I had completely forgotten about stuff like Insignia. I sincerely hope they don't make it any more. It stank.

Can I also be really boring and point out that the reason why they changed both Marathon and Opal Fruits is because much of the rest of the world called them Snickers and Starburst, and it was effectively a way of reducing packaging costs. At least that is what I heard.

[hr]"Just because you feel good doesn't make it right."

Skunk Anansie.
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Postby Anon. on Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:26 am

What was that Weetabix advert about pirates on the Marie (sic) Celeste?

There was a ship all the other pirates feared
Even Black-, Blue-, Red- and Yellowbeard
And the captain was as nasty as they come
And never once thought to write to his mum
On the Marie Celeste
Had the meanest crew of pirates ever dressed
Then the bo'sun called from the crow's nest
"There's a ship to the west!"
[he sees that the crew of said ship are eating Weetabix, general panic ensues]
Shiver me timbers! Something somthing abandon ship swim for shore!
It wasn't somethings or ghostly tricks
It was down to a bowl of Weetabix
That's why they found no pirates on the Marie Celeste.

Or something along those lines.
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Postby nova on Tue Jul 29, 2003 11:46 am

I regularly forget the names of friends I have known for several years. How the hell can you remember a rhyme from an 80s weetabix ad?!?!?!?

[hr]"Just because you feel good doesn't make it right."

Skunk Anansie.
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Postby Oli on Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:31 pm

[s]nova wrote on 11:34, 29th Jul 2003:
Stop it with the old advert commercials. You are scaring me! I had completely forgotten about stuff like Insignia. I sincerely hope they don't make it any more. It stank.

Try new Insignia - create a buzz, not a hummmmmmmm

Can I also be really boring and point out that the reason why they changed both Marathon and Opal Fruits is because much of the rest of the world called them Snickers and Starburst, and it was effectively a way of reducing packaging costs. At least that is what I heard.

Twix was threatened by the global name "Raider" (pron. "Rider" in Germany), but no one would buy it. In the end, the British name won, and as far as I know, it's called Twix all over now. I couldn't stand the adverts with people saying "Fancy a snack", and making scissor actions with their fingers to imply Twix.
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Wool Marketing Board

Postby Jos Dad on Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:39 pm

The problem in a satelite
Is where to put the cat at night
For if you want your mind at ease
How can you let poor Pussy freeze
The answer reads on your computer
A wooly overcoat will suit her
From sheep to bleep all know the rule
There's no substitute for wool!

Advert in London Undergroud circa 1960

I don't know which is sadder, the verse, or my remembering it!
Jos Dad


Postby Anon. on Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:58 pm

[s]nova wrote on 12:46, 29th Jul 2003:
I regularly forget the names of friends I have known for several years. How the hell can you remember a rhyme from an 80s weetabix ad?!?!?!?

I just seem to be able to remember lyrics to things - I wish I had the same ability for academic stuff.

And it was a 'nineties Weetabix ad, to be fair.
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Postby niall on Tue Jul 29, 2003 5:35 pm

does anyone else remember the eat football, sleep football, drink coca-cola adverts?

i've tried to find them to d/l and cant.. i remember there was one made about motherwell and a friends dad was in it.. but i wanna see it again!

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Postby Cain on Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:17 pm

[s]Greebo wrote on 22:06, 28th Jul 2003:

How can anyone fail to love that ad?

I love it.

i could also have sung it all for you in one go had you approached me in the street and shouted "Cain, sing that song about the Red car and the blue car!"

but then, perhaps there are some things that you shouldn't boast about
I hold an element of surprise
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Postby Greebo on Tue Jul 29, 2003 8:54 pm

*makes a note of that for next time he sees Cain*

[hr]http://greebopichost.netfirms.com - Loadsa drunken photos and suchlikes.
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Postby mossop on Wed Jul 30, 2003 3:05 pm

John West salmon advert where the guy and the bear have a fight! Quality!!

Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about....
http://www.minandjen.com/Lounge/lounge.htm it's under
Bear Fight!!! Hilarious!!!

[hr]Mossop - http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/tom ... ddlers.htm
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a crate. Coincidence? I think not.
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ha ha ha!!!

Postby H.Mckeown on Wed May 09, 2007 9:35 pm

I've been trying to convince everyone I know for years that this advert exists! They all look at me like I'm demented! It was a stop motion type affair wasn't it? Thankyou, I will die chuckling smugly :)probably because I'll be demented....
Quoting Anon. from 12:26, 29th Jul 2003
What was that Weetabix advert about pirates on the Marie (sic) Celeste?

There was a ship all the other pirates feared
Even Black-, Blue-, Red- and Yellowbeard
And the captain was as nasty as they come
And never once thought to write to his mum
On the Marie Celeste
Had the meanest crew of pirates ever dressed
Then the bo'sun called from the crow's nest
"There's a ship to the west!"
[he sees that the crew of said ship are eating Weetabix, general panic ensues]
Shiver me timbers! Something somthing abandon ship swim for shore!
It wasn't somethings or ghostly tricks
It was down to a bowl of Weetabix
That's why they found no pirates on the Marie Celeste.

Or something along those lines.


Postby oddly familiar on Thu May 10, 2007 10:47 am

On, and on...and on...and on...and on...and on...and Ariston


saru mo ki kara ochiru
saru mo ki kara ochiru
oddly familiar
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Postby munchingfoo on Thu May 10, 2007 11:15 am

Quoting nova from 12:46, 29th Jul 2003
I regularly forget the names of friends I have known for several years. How the hell can you remember a rhyme from an 80s weetabix ad?!?!?!?

I regularly forget the names of friends AND I can remember rhymes from adverts... explain that one.


Tired Freudian references aside - your mother played my mighty skin flute like a surf crowned sea nymph trying to rouse Poseidon from his watery slumber!
I'm not a large water-dwelling mammal Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis? Did Steve

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Postby FunkyBanana on Thu May 10, 2007 1:41 pm

"Do the shake and vac, and put the freshness back, do the shake and vac and put the freshness back..."!
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Postby romantic on Thu May 10, 2007 1:58 pm

The Scotch video tapes advert with the laughing skeleton watching the TV....thinking about it I still have some Scotch video tapes, maybe I should see if their guarantee still holds and get a new one. This is from the mid-1980s:

I'm going to tell you how it's going to be
with Scotch's lifetime guarantee.
Tape what you want both night and day
Then re-record, not fade away,
Re-record not fade away,
Re-record not fade away.

Every recording as good as the first
or we'll give you a new tape.
You can watch Scotch forever!

Re-record, not fade away!
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Postby Dougie on Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:34 pm

Just have a look at the Aardman site, it's all there.
http://www.aardman.com:80/movies.asp?ID ... irates.mov

Quoting Anon. from 12:26, 29th Jul 2003
What was that Weetabix advert about pirates on the Marie (sic) Celeste?

There was a ship all the other pirates feared
Even Black-, Blue-, Red- and Yellowbeard
And the captain was as nasty as they come
And never once thought to write to his mum
On the Marie Celeste
Had the meanest crew of pirates ever dressed
Then the bo'sun called from the crow's nest
"There's a ship to the west!"
[he sees that the crew of said ship are eating Weetabix, general panic ensues]
Shiver me timbers! Something somthing abandon ship swim for shore!
It wasn't somethings or ghostly tricks
It was down to a bowl of Weetabix
That's why they found no pirates on the Marie Celeste.

Or something along those lines.


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