


Whether it is Sunday league, university or professional sport you are interested in, this is the message board for you. We want your questions, comments, and views.


Postby Han on Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:13 am

Korfball....yeah. so. huh?

1) what is it?
2) is it easy to pick up?
3) am I likely to be laughed at if I try it out? (currently overweight and unfit grr)

hee hee

Also, where is this east sands leisure centre thingy? I'm staying in DRA and would like to know where it is in relation :-)



Postby Buffy on Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:34 pm

East sands, for lack of a better term, is no where near DRA. Honestly, they are on complete opposite sides of town. I have never walked it myself, but I would have to guess it would be about a 40 min walk? However, at DRA you are quite close to the Sport Centre, which is where most of the workout stuff is, with the exception of the pool.

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