

Putting on a play

For the discussion, promotion and review of any and all theatre in St Andrews - student, amateur or professional. Mermaids (the University's theatre funding body) would like to hear any suggestions or criticism you may have about how to improve drama and the performing arts in student life.

Putting on a play

Postby puttingonaplay on Wed Jan 15, 2003 11:37 am

How does one go about applying to Mermaids for funding for a play one wants to put on? What information does one need to give them to apply, and how do you give that information to them - eg is there a form or can one just send an email to mermaids, or what? And are there any restrictions on who can apply for money or what plays one can put on?

Thanks a lot for your help!


Postby Ben Spiers on Wed Jan 15, 2003 11:42 am

How does one go about applying to Mermaids for funding for a play one wants to put on? E-mail us at mermaids@st-and.ac.uk, or come and see us on Thursdays at 1 o'clock in the Committee Room (top floor of Union).

What information does one need to give them to apply, and how do you give that information to them - eg is there a form or can one just send an email to mermaids, or what? The proposal forms are available from the General Office (third pigeonhole from right, bottom row) - you can also get our handbook from there. They are pretty self-explanatory.

And are there any restrictions on who can apply for money or what plays one can put on? You can't do a play that has been put on in the last two years. That is our only criterion ~(though King Lear on ice with a cast of 700 might be vetoed too). Any matriculated student can apply for money.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Mermaids doesn't put on plays; we fund them.
Ben Spiers

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