


For general discussion of postgraduate matters.


Postby CarolineZ on Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:01 pm


I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Caroline Zeyfert (find me on facebook!) and I've just been elected as the PGSoc Secretary.

It's my job this year to get as much information about what's happening with the PGSoc to you. At present we do not have a complete email list of postgrads in the university, so if you, or anyone you know, wants to be added to the direct emailing list, please send me a mail (PGSoc@st-and.ac.uk) with the header "please add me to the mailing list".

Please keep an eye on the website : www.yourunion.net/PGSoc
It's currently being updated but all information on this year's events will be posted there.

So far the notices (in brief) are:

Elections for the SSC Postgraduate Officer (and with that role comes the position of PGSoc president) are this Friday (28th October). These are running at the same times and places as the rectorial elections. Please see http://www.yourunion.net/main/activities/elections for more information.

The PG Society is holding the first annual Guy Fawkes Bonfire on the Castle Sands on 4th November. Come down to the Union Main Bar around 9pm , and then we'll all head down to the Sands for 10pm. It should prove to be loads of fun (and fire!). We also want to thank Nicola Foister and the new PG Committee for planning this event.

Yes! - For the first time in PG Society history, we have a PG Committee! Elections were held at the last meeting on 18th October. Our new committee members are:
Rachel Marsh (Vice President)
Katie Hughes (Treasurer)
Andrew Haynes (Ordinary Member)
and of course myself (Secretary/Publicity).

Feeling underrepresented? - Our next PG Society Meeting will be held 1st Nov, 5:30 in the Union Main Bar. All Welcome!

I think that's about it for this week, hopefully see you at the meeting on Tuesday!
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:57 pm

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