

Project help wanted

Comedy Soc - for comedy and fun.

Project help wanted

Postby edstercw on Wed May 07, 2008 3:33 am

I'd like to make a Trigger Happy TV tribute in St Andrews using the Unions camera and my filmmaking experience [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQjqXiST8Uo]. I think here's ample opportunity for unique situation skits and sight gags and I think it'd be appreciated what it's trying to do. There hasn't been a St Andrews specific film thingy since the rape alarm prank got £500 off Break.com 5years ago [http://my.break.com/content/view.aspx?ContentID=71213]
This'll get people more aware of Comedysoc and our operations and it's something the whole society can get involved in and contribute to. Reply even if you're other members questioning the ideas legality.
Trigger Happy TV is a good basis because unlike Just For Laughs it doesn't actually set out to make padestrians look foolish and the jokes are mostly visual and short to do(2mins+).
One potential scene is getting some people in toy builders hats and wasting time behind the roadworks orange barriers like a dinner or sunbathing. The barriers are plastic and the sections usually empty.
More suggestions for this after revision of the series. Opinions of any intensity welcome.
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Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:51 pm

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