


Comedy Soc - for comedy and fun.


Postby Bonnie on Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:33 pm

The same people that brought us iMovieFest last year are bringing us CampusMovieFest this year. ComedySock should be able to make a really funny movie if you put your heads together.
All those who want to join will be given a camera, a computer, training in how to use such things, and one week to make a 5 minute film.
Come along on Monday, 24th February to Venue 2 at 8 o'clock to find out more. We'll be giving away free popcorn!
Any questions can be e-mailed to imovie@st-and.ac.uk. Check out www.st-and.ac.uk/~imovie to see last year's movies.
If you have a team of 12 together, sign up is on 6 March 10-6pm on the top floor of the Union with a captain, vice-captain (we'll need their names, e-mails, and telephone numbers) and 10 team members' names and e-mails.

[hr]I love cheese.
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Joined: Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am
Location: Durham, CT USA

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