

Read you e-mail

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Read you e-mail

Postby Director of Services on Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:16 am

Ellie and/or Deviant e-mail person,
Read your e-mail because I need you and RockSoc to confirm your alternate weeks/ dates. Because of Rag Week, an Easter-ish RockSoc Venue1 gig, an odd numbered week term, and an extra 4 days after exams but before halls close, this term is very weird and I need you to weigh the pros and cons of each choice of alternate weeks. One gets you more weeks, but one of the weeks has to go to Charity and the last week people might have gone home already (see? it could be a good thing or a very bad thing.)

So consider it and get back to me.

Director of Services
Posts: 126
Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:22 pm

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