

2005 AGM - Monday 14th, 8:30 pm, back of the Whey Pat

Here for members and non-members alike to discuss things related to the society, its events or to pubs in general and the beer within. Come here for up-to-the-minute details of our exciting forthcoming events!

2005 AGM - Monday 14th, 8:30 pm, back of the Whey Pat

Postby Koala Boy on Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:20 pm

Greetings Real-Alers,

It's that time of year again to elect a whole new committee to see SAURAS
through the next year...

The AGM will be in the Whey Pat tavern on Monday 14th (one week from today),
starting promptly at 8:30 pm.

Please please please attend even if you never come to Real Ale events, we need
as many people as possible for a good election.

I must stress, that there will be sandwiches. Sandwiches, people!

Perhaps you would like to join the new committee? The following positions are up
for grabs....

President - head honcho. Any moron could do this job...
Vice President - um..shoulder honcho?
Secretary - writes things down
Treasurer - adds things up
Publicity officer - makes pretty posters and in charge of website
Charities officer - in charge of charity events, like the Rag Ale
Ordinary member - general dogsbody, cask carrier

In summary, please come and eat sandwiches and vote for people.


Stick it up your jumper
Koala Boy
Posts: 257
Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:56 pm

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