

University Academic Settings

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University Academic Settings

Postby Frank on Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:19 pm


The rules state that computer rooms (plus tutorial rooms, lecture theatres etc etc) are counted as safe zones.

Does this include study rooms in Halls of Residence?

My main reason 'for' would be that these are indeed 'University Academic Settings' and their use is unnavoidable for many (without an immense hassle of trekking to the library etc). I cannot really see a reason against this, but it could lead to confusion if others know something I don't (highly likely, then).

Additionally: what about toilets?

When running last game I was able to oversee a couple of events that had an immense amount of 'friends of assassins' coming along. Due to that, it was highly likely assassins would show. In an effort to keep everything both fun and interesting, I declared the venue itself (the Middle Melville common room) a safe zone, for the duration, and also the toilets. This seemed entirely logical.

Whilst there is a certain artistic appeal in being killed whilst at the toilet, I do think folks should be able to use toilet/bathroom facilities without worry. I mean: do we want smelly assassins? Wouldn't give us a very good reputation...

As an added stipulation, perhpaps people in towels/bathrobes/etc travelling to and from bathroom/toilet facilities should be similarly 'invulnerable' for the duration.

As an added bonus to prevent against abuse: any assassins abusing this immunity would find themselves running around in towels etc...which'd simply be amusing...

Anyhow, these are merely suggestions tagged onto the more proper and important clarification at the top...


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