

IE 6.0

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IE 6.0

Postby Guest on Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:20 pm

Normally, if you are using Internet explorer, you can type just the main bit of a web address in and then press Ctrl + Enter to add the "www." and ".com" bits.

However, my version of IE has stopped doing this. I've looked through all the options, but can't see anything that obviously toggles this feature on/off. Any ideas?



Postby Mr T needs work on Fri Apr 02, 2004 9:32 am

I never used those functions on IE. I always just typed 'whatever'.com and it adds the www automatically.

However, I use Mozilla Firefox now which beats the crap out of IE. It has a built in pop up blocker, allows tabbed browsing and loads pages faster. Also, it does not suffer from most of the vulnerabilities that IE does. It does eat more ram tho, but worth a try if you have 256 or more of ram...


Definitely worth a try! I know its not relevant to your question, but I just feel like I have to spread the good word on this :)
Mr T needs work
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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:21 pm


Postby Mr T needs work on Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:12 am

[s]dunqn wrote on 10:51, 2nd Apr 2004:
last time i used opera or firefox, i can't say i found them to be any better than ie.


I know what you mean, it took me a bit to actually see the benefit. I think the fact that a lot of IE vulnerabilities just dont happen on firefox is a huge plus. Remeber that thread on the sinner board 'dont open this link'? Firefox didnt have the same problem. Just to name one.

Also, once you get familiar with the short cut keys, and open several sites in one window using the tabs... I just cant go back to IE now where 1000 windows line up on the task bar in windows.

Plus the google search bar is already integrated plus the pop-up blocker.

Ok, i'm repeating myself here :)

Give it a try for a little longer and you will never go back to IE. :)
Mr T needs work
Posts: 268
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:21 pm


Postby amac on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:44 pm

I was pretty much the same. Always used IE until recently when i moved over to firefox permanently. I won't repeat all of what's been said (i will say i havn't had a pop-up in ages) but if you install firefox look at the extensions and themes that you can get. They improve it even more.

Adding amazon and download (much more also) to the search bar is great ,and i don't know how i ever lived without mouse gestures now!
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Postby TheGamesMaster on Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:00 pm

Sounds like firefox is coping opera. Which has had all of whats been said for a while now.

EDIT: Forgot to mention it doesn't have IE securites problems. So basically has all the good stuff mentioned.
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