


Shire of Caer Caledon - visit the web site at http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~caledon


Postby Alfhild on Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:36 am

For those who haven't been to York before, what sort of things can be expected? What would people recommend seeing, where's good to eat, and where are the best pubs?


Postby Sigurd on Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:07 pm

Right, things to expect:


Vikings brutalising Saxons - there will be a long training session in the morning where you will be able to watch around 200 warriors being put through their paces and preparing for the main events...

A big march through York, which while impressive is best missed if you wish to get a good view of...

The BATTLE - where the 2 armies turn each other into pincushions and walking bruises for the entertainment of the public.

in the evening there is a night battle and firework display... tickets are expensive and I do not know if anyone is planning on seeing it this year.

as for pubs... well, York has quite a few really good ones. stick with those who've been before and you'll not go wrong.
as for food - there are many good pubs serving proper pub grub, loads of traders on the streets (there is a great sausage in a bun stall) and of course there is the legendary Pig in a Bun shop.

oh, there is also a traders market where you can spend vast amounts of money on loads of cool Viking age stuff.

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