

David Russell Apartments 3rd Annual Ball

For residents and non-residents alike to discuss issues related to life in the David Russell Apartments. Visit the DRA website for general information about the hall or contact Duncan Fowler with complaints/queries.


Postby Guest on Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:12 am

Yeah, any problems I had were down to security being arseholes, the coaches being a shambles or the staff at the bay. The committee did a fantastic job and it was much better than last year's ball, I just wish I could remember more of it... p.s. if anyone found a red shawl i would love it back!


Postby dra senior student on Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:56 pm

I always leave it late to start in on these things, but here goes:

- no point complaining about prices at the Bay, we did our best and spoke to several people there about it, without any results

- S3 being ass, they always are, they always will be, but to be fair, how would you act if you had hundreds of drunks that you had to keep on one side of the door

- the mess with the first lot of buses, I stood outside for 20 minutes at least trying to get the bus driver to just start filling them up - he said thay aren't able to get out as they backed down the street they couldn't get out of... surely it's harder to reverse a bus down a busy street than to drive straight out

- masks being stolen, hadn't heard about this and don't know the circumstances, but it'll just be one more thing to add to our list of complaints that we're taking to the Bay hopefully next week

- and the champagne thing, the bar staff brought the champagne out and told us that that was it, after the last bus was filled and the Committee were still at DRA (not enjoying the ball, but cleaning up) we discovered more boxes in the cellar - this is going to be brought up with Jim who paid for the reception from the Warden's Fund, but bottles will most likely feature as prizes for future pub quizes and events...

As usual, you guys should know that if you have a genuine complaint then the right thing to do is go straight to the Committee. My email address is bdb2 - email me if you want to make a formal complaint about the Ball or any other Committee-related issues in the future.
dra senior student
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:30 pm


Postby dra senior student on Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:56 pm

I always leave it late to start in on these things, but here goes:

- no point complaining about prices at the Bay, we did our best and spoke to several people there about it, without any results

- S3 being ass, they always are, they always will be, but to be fair, how would you act if you had hundreds of drunks that you had to keep on one side of the door

- the mess with the first lot of buses, I stood outside for 20 minutes at least trying to get the bus driver to just start filling them up - he said thay aren't able to get out as they backed down the street they couldn't get out of... surely it's harder to reverse a bus down a busy street than to drive straight out

- masks being stolen, hadn't heard about this and don't know the circumstances, but it'll just be one more thing to add to our list of complaints that we're taking to the Bay hopefully next week

- and the champagne thing, the bar staff brought the champagne out and told us that that was it, after the last bus was filled and the Committee were still at DRA (not enjoying the ball, but cleaning up) we discovered more boxes in the cellar - this is going to be brought up with Jim who paid for the reception from the Warden's Fund, but bottles will most likely feature as prizes for future pub quizes and events...

As usual, you guys should know that if you have a genuine complaint then the right thing to do is go straight to the Committee. My email address is bdb2 - email me if you want to make a formal complaint about the Ball or any other Committee-related issues in the future.
dra senior student
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:30 pm


Postby B!TCH on Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:34 pm

Please do email ben, because I would love to know who the unregistered user fucker was who went onandon about steph.

Alternatively, you could come round to Shairp 7 and I could kick your 'ed in.......
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:55 pm

How very WUDE!

Postby Psychosebby on Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:26 pm

How very WUDE!!! I thought the ball was excellent, you complaining fuckers should shut up!!!

Hoof it up Steph lol!
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:17 pm


Postby ENRAGED on Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:53 pm

My mask and the mask I made for my boyfriend were both stolen, before the end of the ball. I spent lots of time and effort on making both of them and I too am FURIOUS with the Bay staff and will be complaining to Mr. Carter, the mananger. I personally know/knew several of the Bay's Conference and Banquets staff and you couldn't find a bunch of nastier, lying, cheating arseholes - I bet they threw our personal possessions away just for the kicks. One girl seemed to have had her shoe thrown away too - don't know if she eventally found it or not.
I don't have any problems with the Committee and the job they did, but I definitely do with the Bay staff - I mean fair enough throw stuff away after everyone's gone if it looks like it's unwanted, but there were still several hundred people left when they went round and binned our possessions without permission.


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